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Little Oaks (0-2yrs)

Our Baby Room children spend their time in two adjoining rooms which are divided into areas that will support every element of learning in an exciting and fun-filled way. This room also adapts into our sleep room, with black out blinds and soft lighting.

When babies start at Little Acorns Nursery an individual routine is planned in conjunction with parents to ensure the transition from home to nursery is as smooth as possible. Our Famly App ensures that parents are kept informed about feeds, nappy changes, sleep patterns and activities.

Staff in the baby room work hard to make sure their days are filled with fun and laughter by lots of interaction, exploring interesting toys, bouncing and singing. When the babies are ready, planned activities enable them to fulfil active and enjoyable days learning new things.


Squirrels (2-3yrs)

This room is registered for 16 children between 2 and 3 years. There are dedicated spaces for cooking, construction, sand and water, play-dough and malleable for their creative development. Children will start to learn different skills that they can use independently within their play. We believe that children should have the freedom to follow their own interests and own agenda, through their play.

Our nursery encourages children to take part in a wide range of self-chosen, child led and adult led activities. These are planned in accordance with 'The Early Years Foundation Stage’. 

We look at individual children's development and find that sharing child development concepts with parents helps you to understand and relate to your child.


Acorns (3-5yrs)

Within this room we prepare your child for school by encouraging independence and confidence. There are a wide range of activities and resources that will enable your child to learn through play, develop and explore. Activities are set out in the different areas of the room inviting the children to come and explore with the open-ended resources. Planned activities are based on staff observations of the children’s interest.

There are dedicated spaces for cooking, construction, sand and water, play-dough and malleable for their creative development. Children will start to learn different skills that they

can use independently within their play. We believe that children should have the freedom to follow their own interests and own agenda, through their play.

Within all of our rooms, resources are easily accessible for children to help themselves. Our rooms are well lit, ventilated and the use of natural resources adds to the homely feel and calmness of the rooms.